World Congress on Global Business, Economics, Finance & Social Sciences (WC-GBEFSS-2022)


October 13th - 14th, 2022


Jakarta, Indonesia

All accepted papers will be published in a relevant "SCOPUS Indexed Journal"

About Conference

In light of the diverse Economic crises that are impeding the growth of the economies of both development as well as underdevelopment and advancing nations, across the globe, the World Congress on Global Business, Economics, Finance & Social Sciences (WC-GBEFSS-2022) conference aims to provide all professionals involved in the realms of Economics, Social Sciences, Finance and Business, critical insight into proven methodologies, strategies and approaches to combat challenges. View More

Theme of the Conference

With the intention of the organizers of the World Congress on Global Business, Economics, Finance & Social Sciences (WC-GBEFSS-2022) conference, being to accelerate the progress being made across the respective domains, the theme for this event will revolve around "Breaking Down The Rationale, Motives & Impetus Behind Present-Day Economic Paradigms and The Developments, as well as Challenges That Encompass Them".

Numerous prominent professionals including Leading Global Business Professionals, Social Science Scholars & Researchers, along with Financiers and Economists (involved in diverse areas of modern Economics) are expected to converge at the WC-GBEFSS-2022 conference, slated to be held on the 13th-14th of October 2022, in the stunning city of Jakarta Indonesia, to deliberate the latest research findings, studies, statistics and experimental outcomes being accrued by talented Economic Policy Researchers, Business Analysts, Market Research Analysts, Social Science Surveyors and others, who are carrying out groundbreaking research ventures all across the globe.


  • Early Bird Registration

    August 29th, 2022

  • Last Date of Abstract submission

    September 13th, 2022

  • Last Date of Registration

    September 28th, 2022

  • Last Date of Full Paper Submission

    September 27th, 2022

Scope & Benefits

  • WC-GBEFSS-2022 will be a perfect platform for Students to express their innovative thoughts and unique research work at a global platform.
  • WC-GBEFSS-2022 will provide scopes to Students to meet and interact with International Speakers and Scientists of National importance. Students can interact with session chairs related and working on relevant fields of their research.
  • To further redefine their innovations Students can consider the advices and technical suggestions of our chairs.
  • Students can publish their articles in reputed journals of International importance. Journals associated with ICHHH conference are published in UGC, Scopus and Academia.
  • Articles presented at WC-GBEFSS-2022 will be available for citation at reputed Scientific repositories like Science Direct, Research pedia and Academic Research Library.
  • WC-GBEFSS-2022 will create a bridge between Industrial professionals and Academic professionals which leads to exchanging of approaches and ideas about technological innovations.
  • WC-GBEFSS-2022 will provide a platform to Industrial professionals to exhibit their recent researchers which help to drive the global world.
  • To further redefine their innovation technologies they can consider the advices and technical suggestions of our high experienced chair persons.
  • Industrial professionals can publish their articles in reputed journals of International importance. Journals associated with ICHHH conference are published in UGC, Scopus and Academia.
  • Articles presented at WC-GBEFSS-2022 will be available for citation at reputed Scientific repositories like Science Direct, Research pedia and Academic Research Library.
  • WC-GBEFSS-2022 will be a perfect platform for Faculties, Professors, academicians to express their innovative thoughts and unique research work at a global platform.
  • WC-GBEFSS-2022 will provide scopes to faculties to meet and interact with International Speakers and Scientists of National importance. Professors can interact with session chairs related and working on relevant fields of their research.
  • To further redefine their innovations professors can consider the advices and technical suggestions of our chairs.
  • Faculties can publish their articles in reputed journals of International importance. Journals associated with ICHHH conference are published in UGC, Scopus and Academia.
  • Articles presented at WC-GBEFSS-2022 will be available for citation at reputed Scientific repositories like Science Direct, Research pedia and Academic Research Library.

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