Do’s and Don’ts of Research Paper Writing


Research papers play a significant role in academia, enabling scholars to contribute to the existing body of knowledge with their new discoveries. However, writing a research paper worthy of journal publications can be daunting, especially for those new to the process.

Do's and Don'ts of Research Paper Writing

To help you navigate this challenge, we will provide you with the essential do’s and don’ts of research paper writing. These guidelines will help you improve the quality of your research papers and enhance your chances of success.


Choose a compelling topic

Choose a topic that interests you and has sufficient research material. It will ensure that you remain engaged throughout the writing process, highlighting the ideas and methods used in the research and providing a good experience for the readers.

Conduct thorough research

Before writing the research paper, conduct thorough research and gather proper information on your chosen topic. Utilize academic databases, scholarly articles, books, and other credible sources to get comprehensive and reliable data.

Create a clear statement

Your thesis statement should present your research paper’s central argument or purpose. It should be concise, specific, and supported by evidence throughout the document. It ensures readers can form a proper and thorough conception of the topic.

Outline your paper

Create a well-structured outline with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. It will help you organize your thoughts, maintain a logical flow throughout your paper, and allow you to include only relevant information to the topic.

Use reliable sources

When writing a research paper, you must include information available online or in books. So, make sure you include it from reputable, peer-reviewed, and up-to-date sources. Citing reliable sources strengthens the credibility and validity of your research.

Proofread and edit

Once you are done writing, proofread and edit your research paper, enabling you to see connections in the research you would have missed otherwise. Then check for grammatical errors, clarity, and coherence. Also, ensure that your research paper follows the required citation style (APA, MLA, etc.) and formatting guidelines required by the journal.


Writing a false statement

All supporting statements in the paper must be backed by relevant sources substantiating your viewpoint. The ideas you include should flesh out your original thesis and have a basis in solid and factual data that you cite and the reader can easily verify.


Never copy someone else’s work without proper citation. Plagiarism is a serious offence and can have severe consequences, so always attribute ideas, quotes, and data to your sources following the citation style.

Overuse jargon and complex language

While academic writing often involves specialized terminology, avoid overusing jargon and complex language that may confuse your readers. Strive to write simply and to the point.

Neglect proper citation

Failing to cite your sources accurately can lead to plagiarism and academic misconduct accusations. Use appropriate citation styles and formats consistently throughout your paper.

Rush the writing process

Sometimes you have deadlines to submit the research paper and rush through the process, resulting in an incomplete or poorly written paper. Writing requires time and careful attention to detail, so start early, as it gives you ample time for research, writing, and revision.

Ignore feedback and criticism

Seeking feedback from peers, mentors, or professors during the writing process can help you improve your paper and address any weaknesses or gaps in your research. So, always pay attention to feedback.


Writing a research paper is challenging but rewarding. Following the do’s and don’ts outlined above can enhance your research paper writing skills and produce high-quality work. Remember to choose a compelling topic, conduct thorough research, develop a clear thesis, use reliable sources, analyze your findings, and revise and edit your paper diligently. Avoid additional issues such as plagiarism, writing false statements, overuse of jargon, unsupported claims, neglecting proper citation, rushing the process, and ignoring the feedback to write a paper worthy of journal publication.

However, as vigilant as you are in writing the research paper, there are some instances, you might miss a thing or two. You can take help from professional writers at ARDA Conference to help you submit a compelling and high-quality research paper. Contact us today to get writing help.

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