How to Publish Research Papers in High Impact Factor Journals?

How to Publish your first Research Paper
Having one’s experimentation findings and outcomes published is an integral part of their career as a professional researcher. However, writing is not exactly the most attractive of undertakings for all researchers as getting an article published can be a very long and tedious process. Fortunately, every one of the many obstacles that arise with the prospect of writing and publishing research work can be avoided by staying prepared and getting to know about the common step-by-step process of having a research paper published.

Steps to publish research paper

1. Identifying A Unique And Less-Explored Research Problem

A research problem can be defined as an area of ​​interest or a gap in existing knowledge. This indicates the need for further understanding and investigation. A problem statement is used in research as a statement that describes the predicament addressed by experimentation and exploration. The problem statement succinctly illustrates the obstacle that one’s research proposes to address. The ultimate goal of defining the problem statement is to transform a generalized problem into a focused and well-defined problem; in fact, a problem that can be resolved through focused research and careful decision making.

2. Perusing Through Review Articles

When one reads a research article, the goal should be to understand the scientific contributions of the authors. This is, however, easier said than done. This may require reviewing a paper several times, and expecting to spend several hours studying a single article. Reading a research article should be a critical process. One shouldn’t assume that the authors are always right, but instead, remain suspicious of their statements at all times. Critical reading involves asking appropriate questions. If the authors try to solve a problem, one should try to determine if they are solving the correct problem. Additionally, check if there are some simple solutions that the authors do not appear to have considered or paid any attention to at all.

One should also think about the limitations of the solution. Including limitations that the authors might not have noticed or admitted. That have been posted and also ascertain if the assumptions made by them are reasonable. Additionally, one should find out if the logic of the document is clear and justifiable, considering the assumptions being made or if there is a flaw in the authors’ reasoning itself. The accuracy, authenticity, and reliability of the data being collected by the authors of these review papers should also be given due consideration.

3. Coming Up With A Far Superior Solution

It is always beneficial to ensure that one’s research idea is as original as possible and that no one has applied it before. One should be happy that their research is innovative. However, one should again perform a literature search using different keyword combinations to make sure that there is no existing literature on the subject.
Even after doing this, if they can’t find anything on the same research idea or topic, they can compare their research with research that has been done on closely related topics. Another approach would be to go a step further and compare it with other studies in the same field, if not on the specific topic. Maybe they can add a sentence that says that while many studies have focused on various aspects of the topic or area, none have addressed that particular research idea.

4. Picking The Best Journal Possible

There are a large number of journals to choose from today, including Web of Science, Google Scholar, Elsevier, Scopus Journals, etc. The impact factor of journals offers an accurate idea of the overall excellence of the work published in this journal. Generally, the higher the impact factor value of a journal, the more prestigious it is considered to be. This impact factor value provides library administrators with a means to decide which journals to keep in their collections and which ones to acquire for their libraries.
It is also often utilized in the process of academic evaluation of researchers for seniority, grants, funding, etc. Nonetheless, this practice is unreliable because the impact factor value is only intended to signify the quality of a whole journal, not the quality of specific articles published in the journal.
To find out what the impact factor of a specific indexed journal is, one should visit the respective website of the journals found in these databases. There they will find their impact factor values.

5. Follow Formatting Guidelines To The Tee

Researchers often wonder why their manuscripts are rejected by journals without even being reviewed. The reason for this rejection is that the rejection had absolutely nothing to do with the content of the journal itself. In most cases, it is simply an issue of non-compliance with the formatting guidelines and requirements set forth by the journal.
Naturally, it can be upsetting for any researchers undergoing this to see that their groundbreaking idea was rejected for a simple formatting error without even having the chance to be examined. Additionally, these researchers aren’t even sure what went wrong as there often aren’t any details highlighting these mistakes in the rejection letter.
Requests for reprocessing of the manuscript go unnoticed and are a complete waste of time as the publication knows why the paper was rejected initially. Therefore, it is always a good idea for research professionals to pay heed to every single rule and formatting guideline specified by the journal (on their website or journal itself) and to make sure that a rejected manuscript had completely followed all these rules without explaining.

6. Submitting For Reviewing

The peer evaluation process followed by all journals is primarily a quality control procedure. It is a process by which specialists assess scholarly work, to ensure a high quality of published science. Nevertheless, peer reviewers do not decide on accepting or rejecting submitted manuscripts.
Their role is exclusive to offering unbiased recommendations on the quality of a submitted manuscript. In peer-reviewed journals, the decision-making power rests solely with journal editors or the journal’s editorial board. Indeed, it is the editor-in-chief of the journal, which is considered central in the decision-making process.
Due to a large number of submissions, leading journals are often forced to reject even high-quality manuscripts for various reasons, such as a large number of submissions or a lack of correspondence with the editorial direction of the journal. Finally, journal editors make decisions about what to publish. They make decisions to either accept or reject articles based on their opinion of the article’s worth of publication and the comments of reviewers.

Journal Articles

The most frequent but easily evadable cause for journal rejection is the mismatch between the manuscript and the journal’s objectives and scope. Determining if the topic of one’s article matches that of the target journal should be the number one priority. Considering the type of research the journal focuses on should come next.
One should confirm that their target newspaper accepts the type of article that they want to submit based on these factors. For instance, if one’s article is a case study, one should verify that the journal publishes case reports. Submitting to a journal that doesn’t accept the type of article they wrote gives them almost no chance that the manuscript will be accepted.

Publishing Time

The conventional publication route involving manuscript submission, peer review, manuscript review, and acceptance for publication spans many months and is entirely dependent on determinants including the field of study, the availability of peer reviewers, and the frequency of publication of a journal.
Gone are the days when authors and journals both were willing to live with longer deadlines for journal decisions and manuscript publication. Today, scientific discovery, publication, and the career progression of researchers are as much quality as they are speed. In some scientific fields, the immediate publication can influence critical developments and the conventional publication process may not allow for rapid sharing of scientific results.
Responding to the need to reduce publication times, several journals and editors have started offering fast publishing a fast-track path to publication that assures researchers of the journal’s decision within weeks or days of submitting their manuscripts.

Journal Papers Vastly More Valuable Than Conference Papers

In most fields, the most prestigious journals are peer-reviewed publications. Since most conferences these days don’t have a peer review system for debriefing. Many don’t consider them to be very important. A lot of researchers only publish their articles in peer-reviewed journals. They have a more intricate and reliable quality assurance measure through the peer-review process.

Peer Review And Superior Quality

The peer-review process is employed by most journals as part of their manuscript selection process. More often than not, students and early career researchers go through the publishing process without understanding what peer review is exactly. Peer review refers to the evaluation and evaluation of research by experts in a particular field of study. It is primarily viewed as an expert advice system that helps journal editors decide whether a manuscript is worth publishing.
Overall, the peer review process is intended to perform an access control function. Most important, the ultimate goal of peer review is to ensure a high quality of published science. ARDA Journals are you someone who has carried out some groundbreaking research work and would like to let professionals from within your community get to know about your work in quick time without any publication, submission, and peer-review hassles whatsoever? Then, you should have your next research paper published in a relevant ARDA journal right away!


how to publish research paper in scopus, SCi, Web of Science Journals

Journal Publications are the primary means for research professionals to be able to market their work and ultimately obtain the means for their papers to be paid attention to by the world. The most basic element of the paper publication process, whether it is in an SCI, SCOPUS, or Web of Science Journal is planning, writing, and quickly publishing a great research paper that contains world-class research outcomes and studies. A lot of researchers (both early career professionals as well as seasoned ones), however, lack the essential know-how about the typical publication processes followed by top SCI, Scopus, and Web of science journals.

How to publish research paper

1. Preparing The Manuscript To Be A World-Class Published Article or Paper

The best way for one to learn how to write world-class articles is to practice as much as one can. Before one proceeds to decide which journal and which database (SCI, SCOPUS, or Web of Science) to have their research work published in, they should make sure to get any queries that they may have about the research paper writing process completely sorted out and clarified.

2. Starting From Scratch And Building

Creating the first draft, approaching post-doctoral or graduates or even professors for their opinions and recommendations, is a great way to start getting a manuscript to meet the world-class standards of publication that will be followed by any journal indexed within the SCI, SCOPUS, Web of Science and other popular databases.

  • Knowing When To Stop

Once one is fully in experimentation and carrying out their research work, it can be pretty difficult to abstain from producing data at full speed and realizing when to stop. This is where the ability to judge when the data acquired so far is sufficient to write a research article.

  • Getting The Timing Right

Writing too early can result in the researcher not having enough data to work with. Waiting too long can result in the research putting itself at risk of not getting accepted by popular journals. Stopping and proceeding to write when there is enough data to tell a full and logical story is an art and requires keen self-awareness.

  • Self-Awareness And External Supervision

    The key is to always keep the goal of the paper published in mind as one carries out their daily experimentation. When one is too immersed in the details of their work, it can be difficult to stay objective and notice the gaps in their research work. It is always good to have a supervisor who is observing on the outside and knows when to stop the experimentation and proceed with the conversion of the data and findings accumulated into an easy-to-understand, high-quality manuscript that is worthy of being accepted by the manuscript reviewing committee of any top SCI, SCOPUS, and Web of Science Journal.

3. Picking The Best And Most Appropriate Journal

Steering one’s article to the most appropriate journal can save them a lot of effort and reveal their groundbreaking results to the world sooner. A lot of self-proclaimed world-class journals give more value to novelty and unexpected discoveries, while other journals are more interested in in-depth and profound analyzes of critical phenomena and processes.

  • Patience In Assessing & Ascertaining The Right Journal

Going through several journals and determining which journal is the most appropriate for one’s research paper or article to be published is the way to go. Availing guidance from associates and others in the profession who have expertise as journal authors, critics, and editors will help tremendously in this regard. It can be tempting to send one’s article to a leading journal even if their results are not of the greatest novelty, but they should bear in mind that they can save time by sending their work to the correct journal first instead of waiting for it to be rejected by a high-level journal.

  • Nailing The Submission Process

In the eyes of readers, editors and reviewers included, the quality of the paper that a researcher sends is directly reflective of the quality of the research and experimentation behind it. A carefree approach to writing can undermine the most meticulous experience. It is, therefore, essential that the paper is free from reckless errors, especially in the data. Checking regularly and then subsequently even double-checking that every single piece of information, including every picture, graph, and table is consistent, is a must.

  • Ease-Of-Reading Is Critical

Again, concrete data is a researcher’s best ally in conveying their story, so making them easy to understand is paramount. Each figure should only present one or a few related points and together they should present all the important points of the document in an easy-to-understand way. Putting as much information about the data and conditions of the experiment directly on the figure as possible will offer more credibility and transparency about the entire work.

  • Grammar Is Vital

    It is important to remember that the article should be written clearly, in such a way that it contains absolutely no spelling or grammatical errors and that the logic is crisp. Availing advice from superiors and peers helps in this regard.

4. Preparing To Deal With The Reviewing Process

Journals are usually run either by professional editorial teams or academics who take on the role of editor for a set time. Researchers send their articles to peer reviewers who are scientists who rate submitted manuscripts for accuracy, logic, and scientific relevance. Some journals have an initial screening step where manuscripts that are highly unlikely to go through the review process are rejected beforehand. Editors typically make these initial screening decisions with advice from members of the peer-review committee.

  • Familiarizing Oneself With The Reviewing Process Of Their Target Journal

Reviewers are chosen by the publisher based on their expertise in the field, often using large databases assembled by the journal and the publisher’s subject matter knowledge. Some scientists are better reviewers than others as they are more critical and in-depth. These are the sort of reviewers that editors typically look for. The review process for most SCI, SCOPUS, and Web of Science journals takes anywhere from a few days to several weeks. After review, the publisher decides on the publication, taking into account all comments received.

  • Cover Letters Work Wonders

    Researchers can help make sure that the review process for their submitted manuscripts goes completely sleekly by presenting a cover letter that includes, in very plain words, a condensed account of all the reasoning of their manuscript, offering more clarity on the importance and context of their research work and findings. If there are any special considerations that the editor and reviewers should take into account, they ought to be included in the cover letter.

5. Dealing With Reviews Professionally

It is on very rare occasions that reviewers will recommend that one’s article be accepted without necessitating a review. New experiments, those that are usually done in a matter of weeks are often part of their review requests. Reviewers often offer authors detailed advice on how to further edit their articles. It is important to remember that the editor and reviewers are interested in the article when they do this. All they want is to see it improved and published in its best form. Researchers can increase the chances of their article being accepted if they assume that reviewers offer their suggestions in the form of constructive criticisms.

  • Taking Any & All Comments As Constructive Criticism

With this attitude, researchers can make every attempt possible to accommodate their requests, including performing additional revisions and data collection, even if they think they are unnecessary. Of course, the claims of reviews are sometimes wrong or based on faulty reasoning. In these cases, particularly if they have agreed to respond to other reviewer comments, the editor may be willing to consider a reasonably worded argument that the request does not need to be met for their article to be accepted.

  • Resubmitting The Revised & Corrected Manuscript

When returning the revised article to the journal, researchers should include a detailed, point-by-point explanation of how they responded to comments from each of the reviewers and editors, always treating the reviewer’s comments and motivations with respect. It is not recommended for researchers to initiate personal attacks or send comments on reviews or critiques. Being as polite as possible to the editor is also highly recommended.

  • Leaving No Room For Dejection

    Despite one’s best efforts, one can always receive a rejection letter from the journal of their choice. That doesn’t mean the paper they submitted is not good. Only about one-tenth of all submitted manuscripts are ever accepted by these reviewing committees.

6. Maintaining Professionalism At All Cost

Rejection can be overwhelming and it’s often a good idea to let give it some time before beginning to think about what the next course of action should be. It is not a good idea to send an angry email to the editor explaining why the review process was unfair and biased. If, after careful consideration, one believes there has been a misunderstanding or error, some journals will receive a request for reconsideration, usually in the form of a letter or clear message explaining the researcher’s point of view. Some editors might even be willing to have a phone conversation.

7. Using Rejection As An Opportunity To Learn

In most cases, the most effective and quickest course is to quickly re-evaluate one’s journal choice, correct any weaknesses that may have been pointed out in the review process, reformat the paper for their second choice journal, and to send it. All rejected manuscripts are ultimately published elsewhere. Even a submission that ends in a rejection is an opportunity to hone one’s writing and editing skills that will stand one in good stead for years to come. You can reach for the latest research publishing steps in the latest journal publication from high indexed journals from the ARDA conference portal.


With the internet has become what it is today, a new phenomenon has arisen in the world of scientific publishing – online journals. Researchers are increasingly seeking out online published journals for their research work. They feel that having their research work published online offers them and their work more visibility than traditional journal publications do. This is, to a large extent, true.

Why? Simply because of the popularity of search engines such as Google, Bing, etc. These search engines (in particular Google) have become a part of most people’s (at least those with access to the internet) daily lives – using them for everything from entertainment and education to news, communication, work, and even shopping. Bearing in mind that the internet has made its way into almost every aspect of human life, it only makes sense that the internet should be used for the propagation of scientific information, innovation, and discovery (via online journals).

One organization that has been a part of this online journal publication revolution since its very inception has been ARDA. With its continuing contributions to the scientific community as well as academic progress and growth, ARDA has single-handedly brought the world of online scientific publication where it is today. By adapting and (at times) transmuting the very same processes involved in the regular offline journal publication industry, ARDA has made online publication a truly viable, profitable, and lucrative proposition for academics, researchers, scholars, and scientists from all over the globe.

What Makes ARDA’s Publishing Processes Exceptional?

  • No Room For Plagiarism

With its stringent quality check mechanisms in place, ARDA can keep a tight leash on plagiarism within its realm. By maintaining a chokehold over plagiarism in all forms (be it unintentional or intentional), ARDA can match (if not exceed) the quality of offline journal publications across diverse disciplines and fields.
ARDA’s dedicated editorial team has adopted conventional plagiarism checking processes that have been (and are still) in use in offline journal publications to the world of online publication through the incorporation of powerful software tools and technologies that far outdo human capacity for identifying plagiarized content from millions of previously published scientific works.

  • No Room For Mediocre Research

Mediocre research is perhaps the biggest deterrent to scientific progress and innovation. After decades of complacency on the part of the offline journal publishing industry, ARDA, along with other organizations of its elk (i.e., the elk of online scientific publishers), has taken it upon itself of improving the standards of research that are being carried out, through the early identification and rewarding of high-level research work.
As part of these policies, ARDA has and continues to help researchers display tremendous potential for making potentially groundbreaking findings through their current research work, with grants and other means to have their research articles written, papers, and studies easily published and proliferated amongst the masses worldwide.

  • No Room For Complacency

A problem that everybody in the scientific community globally agrees exists within the journal publishing industry. The industry is suffering from a certain complacency when it comes to the immediate publication of top-level research. The overbearingly stringent reviewing, editorial, and publication processes that these publications have in place have proven to be too much to handle, in turn leading to failures on the part of these publishers in publishing high-level works of research as quickly as possible so that members of the global scientific community may learn about them and benefit from them in due time.

Working to overcome these challenges in the online publication segment, ARDA has managed to earn a reputation for itself for being the quickest publisher of world-class scientific research work without having to make any compromises with quality whatsoever.

Do you wish to have your research paper published online with ARDA’s help? Reach out to us immediately! We’d be more than glad to assist you in your journey to becoming a world-renowned researcher by getting your research published online and having it propagated to the masses in a quick time.

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