ISSN : 2583-3030

Plagiarism : Less than 20%

Indexed In : Google Scholar, Research bib, Academia & Member of Cross Ref

Duration : 30-45 days for acceptance and 30 days for Publication

Topics Covered : Impact of climate change, Greenhouse gases emission and control, Sustainable development and climate systems., Climate change information communication, Global warming, Climate change and risk assessment, Environmental pollution and climate change, Water sustainability and climate change, Ecosystem function and services, Agricultural sustainability and climate change, Studies in paleoclimatology, Urban sustainability and climate changeg, Disaster management caused due to climate change, Terrestrial ecosystem, Mitigation and adaptation to climate change, Impact of climate change on cryosphere, International between land ,Environmental system ,climate change ,ecosystem function and service, Becomes and biozones., Environmental policies and anthropogenic factors affecting global climate change, Human impacts and responsibilities towards climate change, Science, technology, political and social responses to climate change