How to Publish Research Paper in Web of Science Journals?

How to Submit Research Paper in Web of Science Journals

The Web of Science journal indexing database is the only database of its kind that indexes each article in journals and it covers and captures all contributing institutions, regardless of their number. To be indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection, candidate journals have to pass their in-depth

  • Editorial review process
  • Peer-review process
  • Timely publication check
  • New content check
  • International diversity check
  • Verification of the impact of citations, among other criteria

The rigour of the methodology and the level of expert human curation that Web of Science follows is unparalleled. It’s this depth of research and content quality that truly separates Web of Science from the other academic journal indexing databases of its kind. The ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) Database Thompson Reuters launched ESCI in 2015 to expand the universe of publications under the Web of Science banner to also include high-quality, peer-reviewed publications of regional significance and in emerging scientific fields. All ESCI journals are indexed to the same data standards including:

  • End-to-end indexing
  • Indexing of cited references
  • Assignment of subject categories
  • Indexing of all authors and addresses

Rapidly evolving fields of research and increasing interdisciplinary scholarships require libraries to provide coverage of relevant titles in evolving disciplines. ESCI offers Web of Science Core Collection users extensive options for discovering relevant scientific content. Users can also get real-time insight into a journal’s citation performance while content is what is considered the most for being included in other Web of Science collections. Every journal, article, conference proceeding, etc., indexed in the ESCI database is searchable, discoverable and citable so that users can measure an article’s contribution in specific disciplines and identify potential collaborators for broader research.

How Can A Journal Get Indexed In ESCI?

To be accepted, journals must meet the following criteria

  • They should be peer-reviewed
  • They have to follow ethical publishing practices
  • They have to meet technical requirements
  • They have to have bibliographic information in English
  • They have to be either recommended or requested by an academic audience of Web of Science users

All journals that are submitted to be considered for indexing in any of the Web of Science core databases undergo a thorough evaluation. If and when they pass the verification procedure successfully, they will get indexed within any of the Web of Science core collections while also being subject to a more detailed editorial review process.

When a journal gets accepted to another database from the ESCI index, it will not remain a part of ESCI anymore. Indexed journals may not be considered for further review if they need to improve their citation profile. It is also possible for journals to be shifted from any of the flagship indices over to the ESCI index if it is found that they no longer satisfy the quality requirements for being retained in any of the flagship indices.

Due to the high standards imposed on journals indexed on the Web of Science, it is not difficult to see why a poorly written (even very relevant) article cannot be published in such a journal. However, scientific writing is rarely taught and in most cases, scientists have to learn the basic principles through a trial and error process.

The most important suggestions for research authors to have their articles successfully published in Web of Science indexed journals are summarized by the framework entitled ‘The Four Cs of scientific writing and publication’. The Four C framework is based on the proposition that the following competencies are important for a successful publication of scientific research

  1. Competence: Choose a relevant topic that is explored to the highest quality standards
  2. Course: Targeting the right Web of Science Journal Publications with the right subject
  3. Composition: Careful planning of article composition
  4. Content: Linking the theory to methodology supported by proficiency in writing

The process is iterative and at any time, the author can reconsider the quality of the previous steps and make other improvements. It is crucial to emphasize that the proposed writing framework is by no means typical exclusively for journals indexed on the Web of Science. However, the proposed framework is an appropriate route for the publication of journals indexed on the Web of Science since most of them impose very high standards of publication regarding both the relevance of the content and the writing skills of the author.

Scientific journals usually publish instructions for authors. The article should be sent to the journal by carefully following these instructions. It is also customary to write a kind letter to the editor with the title of the article and the names of the co-authors (if any) clearly stating that the article is not being sent for publication in a publication or review. The letter to the editor of the journal may also contain a brief explanation of why the article can be published in a particular journal and what is its scientific contribution.

When the article is sent to the journal, a decision on its possible publication is made. First, the journal editor decides whether the document should be sent to the journal. Most articles are rejected on the desktop, i.e., the editors read the article and decide to reject the article without sending it to the reviewer. Otherwise, a limited number of competent reviewers would be even heavier. (ARDA Article writing services will help you to write your article professionally)

There are typically seven groups of reasons why, in most cases, articles are rejected by the editor

  1. Self-Identification Issues: For instance, a high number of self-citations
  2. Closely Related To References: For instance, citations from websites, articles in foreign languages, formatting style, partial references
  3. General Style: Using cliché expressions, using undefined acronyms, spelling mistakes and not following the IMRAD format
  4. Numbers: Do not label numbers or use too many
  5. Article Objectives: Do not define the purpose of the article
  6. Method: For instance, a biased sample, inadequate methods
  7. Contribution: Confirm/refute something that is considered obvious or of no interest to anyone

Even if the article is rejected by the editor, in most cases, advice on how to improve the article will be given. If the journal editor decides to send the article to the journal, the peer review system is applied, which can be double-blind, single-blind or open. Potential reviewer decisions include

  • Accept the paper as it is (rarely)
  • Accept the paper with minor corrections (sometimes)
  • Accept the paper with major corrections (in most cases)
  • Reject the paper

When the reviewer requests major changes, authors should not give up on improving the document. The author should try to follow the instructions of the reviewers as closely as possible. A good journal that offers several changes is an excellent lever to improve the scientific skills of an author. A kind letter to reviewers with explanations of changes made to the article based on their proposals is a good step towards better mutual understanding. And also it increases the likelihood of the final decision to accept the article. Check with the latest conferences in your field at All Conference Alert.

The message of the article is that the quality of a scientific article is the result of the process of reading, researching and writing. All three activities are of equal importance. A scientist must be able to assess the quality of the work of others and use it as a model for his research to ultimately become a model for future generations. Many books present principles of scientific research that should be studied and practiced with care and diligence.

Finally, scientific writing is a discipline whose rules date back to the 17th century and it requires a considerable amount of practice and hard work to submit a manuscript successfully to a Web of Science journal on the first try. If you have a query in submitting a research paper in the web of science journals ARDA Publications will help you to publish your research work.

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